Blues Grooves for Beginners and Beyond

Blues Grooves for Beginners and Beyond is a new downloadable ebook that shows you how to play blues shuffles, boogies, riffs and progressions. As you may already know, playing blues rhythms is one of the easiest, quickest ways of getting great, satisfying sounds from your guitar. This guide shows you how to get those sounds. Even if you're just beginning to learn guitar, this guide will take you step by step to playing Blues Grooves.
What specifically does Blues Grooves teach you?

*the basic 12-bar blues
*turnarounds, riffs, and shuffles
*how to create your own Blues Grooves
*how to enhance basic shuffles with harmony notes
*how to jazz up your blues with the dominant 9 sound and appogiatura chords
*open position and movable blues
*how to create riffs using arpeggios, as well as the mixolydian, pentatonic and blues scales

Blues Grooves gives you the theory and the practical knowledge of blues rhythm guitar. Over 70 sound files help you practice with accuracy. If your computer is running Windows*, these sound files are immediately playable from the ebook itself, through hyperlinks. And Power Tab files provide a virtual playalong partner, and a way of customizing lessons to your needs.

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